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About Us

About Us


Thanks for visiting our skate shop. Loco is made up of a team of passionate professionals who love to rollerblade. We have a physical shop, in Lower Dicker Sussex; near Brighton, on the sunny south coast of England which is also our warehouse, photo/video studios, dispatch centre and offices . We have one of the most comprehensive range of skates in the world (made up of aggressive, inline skates & roller skates) and we specialise in worldwide delivery. We are recognised internationally as a leading retailer in our field.

Loco Crew, 2017

Loco was founded by Jake Eley who continues to run the shop and website today alongside the rest of the small onsite team; Gaston, Harry, Max, Taylor, Duncan and Joe. Jake is best known for his involvement in events, brand endorsement (K2 skates early '00's), 
brand development (Go Project, Revolver), as British Inline Champion 2002 and more recently for his appearances on the Loco Youtube channel.

Jake - 360 Gap

The LocoSkates idea arose in early 2004 and we opened our first shop in December of the same year. Proudly flying the Skater-Run flag; we ran some really dodgy magazine adverts and stocked some even dodgier clothing.

 Loco - 10 Station Parade, 2011

In 2012 we moved 5 doors up the street to a larger shop but we were soon tripping over boxes and needed offsite storage. In 2017 we moved to a warehouse property (still in Eastbourne), built a spacious shopfloor area to continue to accommodate our walk-in customers (who travel from miles away, thanks!) and started work on the modernisation of our website and stock system.

Locoskates 2016
Loco - 15 Station Parade 2016

Loco - Redward Business Park, 2018

Loco - Redward Business Park, 2018

In March 2020 we closed our walk in store due to coronavirus measures in the UK and to accommodate a spike in online sales. In Spring 2022 we moved operations to a bigger warehouse in Lower Dicker, Sussex (50 miles directly South of London). In September 2022, after a 2.5 year hiatus, we opened a walk-in space once more. This time with a focus on being a showroom area where you can try/buy skates from one of the worlds largest selections.

Building the new premises - 2022

Loco Shop/Showroom - Lower Dicker 2022

Locoskates walk in Shop 2023
Loco Shop/Showroom - Lower Dicker 2023

We now work with the best systems in our industry which allow us to provide a truly unmatched international online shopping service.
Loco has been a popular resource for the core rollerblading scene due to our grasp on what’s current in rollerblading and pedantic product knowledge whilst  being popular amongst those who are new to the sport for our competitive prices, easy to use web-interface and straight-to-the-point advice. We hope that we're recognised as being heavily involved in event sponsorship, tours, contests, media, skater endorsement, product manufacturing and generally setting the standard for being the most pro-active skate shop in the UK.
Thanks to everyone who supported from beginning to current day. xx